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Lifestyle Week 

Through the eminent platform of Lifestyle Week, the founders of the Anti-Inflammaging philosophy are promoting a global health education project which will guide different populations towards healthier lifestyle choices, thereby ensuring a higher level of physical, mental and social well-being.

Health is a collective good that comprises work, economic, social and cultural life, psychological aspects, as well as natural, environmental, climatic and living conditions. The global increase in the incidence of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes is in fact to be attributed to increasingly sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy diets and an ageing population, but above all to low-grade chronic inflammation — also referred to as the "silent killer” — which is responsible for more than half of all deaths globally. 

What is LGCI?

Low-grade chronic inflammation is a silent condition that often goes unnoticed and can lead to death, however a strong immune system can help to contrast viruses and bacteria. This is what drove us to create the “anti-inflammaging ecosystem” which will give people the tools to avoid the diseases triggered by inflammation and premature ageing.

Why a manifesto?

This Manifesto outlines the key points that will guide the world’s population on a trajectory which will allow it to hone-in on the key aspects of health within individual territorial contexts, and give people the tools to devise strategies which will improve both their lifestyle and well-being. The Manifesto lists priority actions that will help achieve this goal, promoting and devising digital platforms on which scientists from all over the world can interconnect to discuss and implement research projects regarding the impact of LGCI on general health.






To consider health a social responsibility for all communities. Every citizen has the right to a healthy life, and the health of citizens must always be the priority in all our initiatives.






To fight low-grade chronic inflammation through the promotion of sports and health sciences, with a preliminary focus on athletes in order to raise the general population’s awareness to it.






To encourage healthy lifestyles within the family unit, in workplaces and in communities, with the aim of guiding the population towards an increased quality of life.






To promote healthier dietary habits through personalised nutritional advice, in order to prevent obesity.






To promote cutting-edge scientific and technological tools aimed at changing people's behaviour, thereby preventing diseases and premature ageing.


© 2023 Lifestyle Week is a philanthropic arm of Data Arena DMCC

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