
Elizabeth J. Linder
Throughout her career to date, Elizabeth Linder has never held a position with an existing job description. She started her career at Google/YouTube before joining Facebook, where she spent eight years from 2008-2016 as the company’s first “secretary of state”, initially at the original headquarters in California and then in London, where she founded the company’s Politics & Government division for the Europe, Middle East & Africa region. Elizabeth has worked with government leaders in more than 50 countries. She currently serves as the Executive Director of Beautiful Destinations, where she leads government relations, business development, and policy advisory. She also co-Chairs the St. James’s Roundtable at Chatham House; Chairs the Kinross House Meetings in Scotland; and serves on the Programme Committee at Ditchley Park.

Raphael Baumann
Rechtsanwalt und Notar, Attorney at Law and Notary Public
A young lawyer and notary public with excellent contacts to many of the companies in Crypto Valley, Raphael has specialized in start-ups (especially in the technology sector), immigration, fintech and DeFi law. His mission is to provide his clients with the best advice in the shortest time. In his spare time, he participates in endurance sports (marathon) and is a board member of a leading track and field association in Switzerland.

Heinz Beck
Three-Michelin-starred chef, Scientific Director Campus University Principe of Naples
Today Heinz Beck is known as one of the most notable “Masters” of gastronomy in the world. Careful observer of food effects on the body, Heinz Beck has been carrying on for almost 20 years important cooperations with national and international scientists as well as Italian Universities concerning the good balance between food and health. His unique interpretation of the “Modern” kitchen includes the utmost attention toward the selection of healthy ingredients and their transformation into highly innovative flavors. Since 2005 Chef Beck has been recognized by “Michelin” with three stars in the Pergola restaurant at the Rome Cavalieri, a Waldorf Astoria Hotel, as well as other Michelin stars in his restaurants around the world. Furthermore, Beck has tackled nutrition and healthy culinary practices in his books: “Ipertensione e Alimentazione” (Hypertension and Nutrition) followed by “Consigli e ricette per piccoli Gourmet” (Tips and recipes for young Gourmet), “Nutrire il cuore” (Nourishing the heart) and “Diabete&Alimentazione” (Diabetes&Diet) always in collaboration with scientists as well as big Italian pharmaceutical companies. In the year 2000 Heinz Beck is awarded with the “Gold Medal at the Foyer of Artists”, an international prize of the University of Rome La Sapienza, awarded for the first and only time in 40 years to a Chef. In 2010 he is recipient of the recognition of the “Knight of the Order of Merit” from the Federal Republic of Germany awarded by the Minister Friedrich Däuble. In 2018 he received the Degree in Natural Bio Energies, which was awarded to him by the Popular University of Arezzo. In 2018 Chef Beck received the “Lifetime Achievement Award 2018”, sponsored by Red Cross. In 2019 Heinz Beck receives at the Senate the ANGI Innovation Experience Award in occasion of the Oscar of innovation. Beck & Maltese Consulting inaugurates in 2019, in collaboration with UniPegaso, Campus Principe di Napoli, the first Gastronomic University and Center for High Education and University. Specialization, entirely dedicated to gastronomy and tourism, of which Heinz Beck also plays the role of Scientific Director.

Patrick Casparis
Founder & Director of
Presidio Advisors Limited
Patrick Casparis is the founder and Director of Presidio Advisors Limited, a specialist firm in alternative and private investments, providing advisory services to Family Offices and Institutions. Previously Patrick was a Regional Head of Hedge Fund Specialists within UBS O’Connor and UBS Hedge Fund Solutions. Patrick was primarily responsible for business development as Regional Head for business in the UK, Nordics, Southern and Western Europe as well as Switzerland. Previously, he was the Head of Sales Management for UBS Wealth Management in Switzerland and Senior Relationship Manager for UBS WM in London. Prior to joining WM Patrick was part of the SBC-O’Connor joint-venture within the Investment Bank as Foreign Exchange Risk Management Advisor and Derivative Specialist. His tenure at UBS saw him work in Lugano, Zürich, London and New York. Patrick has over 30 years of investment industry experience.

Simone Belia
CTO of A—I Company
Simone Belia has over 23 years of professional experience developing, leading and managing teams and delivering projects to large enterprises. He is currently working as the CTO at A—I Company, driving the team to evolve and maintain its A—I Digital Platform. Prior to that, he was co-founder of an Italian IT consulting company and has integrated innovation technologies across Microsoft Stack and NoSQL for Fortune 500 companies, both in the USA and Europe.

Paolo Colombani
CSO & co-founder of A—I Company,
Dr. sc. nat. ETH Zurich
Paolo Colombani earned his PhD in natural sciences at the ETH Zurich, where he worked for 15 years as lecturer and researcher at the intersection of food, nutrition, and physical activity in relation to metabolic responses, health maintenance and disease prevention. Paolo’s science-based services and technical expertise led to his engagement by the Swiss Government, Swiss Olympic, Antidoping Switzerland, the food industry, several national and professional sporting teams including FC Basel, individual elite athletes, and by many Swiss medical and health associations, to which he regularly offers further education programs in the fields of nutrition, physiology and metabolic health.
Paolo has amassed a vast scientific experience and developed his leadership role over the course of his career, through participation in large-scale research projects for the European Commission; organising and leading many scientific projects and several transnational conferences; supervising 120 student theses; acting as an executive board member for several professional associations; and being appointed CSO and senior consultant of start-ups for the development of premium food supplements aimed at supporting weight loss, physical and mental health. Paolo’s current research focus is low-grade chronic inflammation as the common ground of non-communicable diseases, which led him to co-found the A-I company.

Maria B. Donati
MD, Philosophy Doctor
Dr Donati’s reputation in the field of science is linked in particular to her pioneering studies on the interactions between cancer and thrombosis. Over the course of the past 15 years she was involved in several European projects regarding the impact of nutrition on health (FAIR, IMMIDIET, FLORA, ATHENA). With an "h" index of 69, she ranks 59th out of of 2,640 Top Italian Scientists (with a “h index” of over 30).
Granted the first International Minerva Donna Prize (1983), the Career Recognition Award from the International Society for Hemostasis and Thrombosis (1999), the Special UNESCO Mention for Women in Science (2002), the Prize for cardiovascular Prevention of the "Association Femme-Santé" (2003). Jury member for l’Oréal-UNESCO's Committee for Women in Science and for the Scientific Board of the Bracco Foundation and the Veronesi Foundation.

Giovanni De Gaetano
Head of Department of Epidemiology
and Prevention
He was appointed Director of the Laboratory of Cardiovascular Clinical Pharmacology at Mario Negri Institute, Milan, while being still a post-doc fellow. At the end of the Eighties, he moved to the Abruzzo region, in Central Southern Italy, where he was a co-founder and first Director of a new research institute, the Mario Negri Sud. He was then appointed in 2002 Director of the Research Laboratories at the “John Paul II” Centre for High Technology Research and Education in Biomedical Sciences of the Catholic University, Campobasso. Since 2013, he was Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Prevention, IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed, Pozzilli (Isernia) and is presently President of the Board of Neuromed. Author of more than 530 peer-reviewed publications (Pubmed), with a H-index of 79 and more than 27,000 citations; his major scientific contributions are related to low-dose aspirin as an antiplatelet and antithrombotic drug and to the characterization of moderate wine and beer consumption (in the context of a Mediterranean Diet) as associated with reduced cardiovascular outcomes and all-cause mortality. His combined interests go from clinical epidemiology of risk factors for cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease and cancer (the Moli-sani Study, www.moli-sani.org), epidemiology of food, nutrition and health, with emphasis on the Mediterranean Diet and alcoholic beverages (wine and beer), to physiopathology, biochemistry and pharmacology of blood platelets and vascular cells, clinical pharmacology and pharmacogenetics of aspirin, other antiplatelet drugs and natural polyphenols and science communication.

Francesco Cavalli
Co-Founder & Chief Visionary Officer at A—I Company

Pietro Formisano
MD, PhD, Full Professor of Clinical Pathology, Department of Translational Medicine, ederico II University of Naples
A summa cum laude graduate of Medicine and Surgery at the Federico II University of Naples in 1990, he obtains a PhD in Biology and Cellular and Molecular Pathology in 1995 at the University of Verona, followed by a Specialization in Endocrinology and Diseases of the Metabolism at the Federico II University of Naples in 1999. Between 1990 and 1992 he is Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Microbiology of the University of Copenhagen, and between 1993 and 1995, Fogarty Fellow at the Diabetes Branch of the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, USA. In 1996 he becomes a University Researcher, in 2005 an Associate Professor and as of 2014 Full Professor of Clinical Pathology at the Department of Translational Medical Sciences at the Federico II University of Naples. In 2009 he is named Project Manager at the Institute of Endocrinology and Experimental Oncology at the National Research Council. In 1999 he serves as Medical Director of Clinical Pathology and in 2014 Head of the Advanced Endocrinological Diagnostics Program at the Federico II University Hospital. In 2018 he joins the National Scientific Qualification Commission for the Competition Sector of General Pathology and Clinical Pathology as a member. To date he has co-authored 160 scientific papers for international journals (H-Index 36). His main area of interest in research is the physiopathology of fat tissue, and the study of its interactions with other organs and tissues. In particular, he is focussed on how environmental factors (nutrition and pollutants) affect fat tissue and how the latter modulates local and systemic inflammatory signals, contributing to the onset and progression of metabolic, cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases.

Hans-Lothar Arth
European and German Patent Attorney
and European Trademark and Design Attorney
Dr. Arth obtained his Doctorate in chemistry in 1997 and received an award for his scholarly achievements from the German Chemical Society. Dr. Arth specializes in chemistry, pharmacy, biotechnology, medicine, with a particular focus on organic, polymer, and enzymatic chemistry, asymmetric synthesis, drug development, pharmaceutically active agents, and oil and gas exploration. During the course of his Doctorate, Dr. Arth synthesised chiral derivatives of natural products, designed assays, and prepared enzymes such as aldolases. During his 15-months of post-doctoral work at the Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.), Dr. Arth was involved in synthesising of a new anti-cancer drug. Before founding his own patent law firm, Dr. Arth worked for one-and-a-half years with the pharmaceutical company Axxima Pharmaceuticals AG in Munich where he established their intellectual property department going on to represent the company at a financing round of approximately 40 million euros. In the last few years Dr. Arth supported a range of companies at initial public offerings and financial rounds, represented companies and evaluated IP-portfolios and scientific projects for investors. Furthermore Dr. Arth supported companies at an IP-strategic product development proceeding as well as overseeing the management of the IP-portfolio.

Linda Friedland
International health professional, medical doctor and corporate advisor
A doctor in medicine with twenty years clinical experience, Dr. Friedland’s career is now solely focused on corporate health consulting, keynote speaking, media and freelance writing as well as fulfilling directorial duties. Her clinical experience includes renal medicine, aged care, family medicine and women’s health.

Mauro Gianetti
UAE Team Emirates
Principal & CEO
After a winning career as professional cyclist, his professional life took an exciting turn and Gianetti — always an integral part of team management — became instrumental in establishing UAE Team Emirates.

Michele Libutti
MD Oncologist
Dr.M. Libutti is a board-certified specialist in oncological surgery at the Naples School of Oncology University Federico II°. As of 2006 he is the Scientific Coordinator of the ‘Naples Conferences’, which are centred on chronic low-grade inflammation as a driver of multiple diseases. His research interests vary from the molecular biology of nutrients, to the pathways of metabolism and nutrition. Dr. Libutti is currently the Scientific Coordinator of a 3-year program for the prevention of chronic inflammatory diseases and cancer.

Esteban Pombo-Villar
Dr. Esteban Pombo-Villar is the Chief Executive Officer of TargImmune Therapeutics, a Swiss company developing novel targeted drugs that attack cancers directly and stimulate the immune system to recognize and eliminate the tumors. Dr. Pombo-Villar has over 30 years of experience in leading biopharmaceutical R&D, business development and alliance management. Previously he was Chief Operations Officer (COO) for Oxford BioTherapeutics, and a Member of their Boards of Directors. He was responsible for the development data and manufacturing activities of their lead antibody and antibody-drug conjugate projects and their collaboration projects. Prior to joining Oxford BioTherapeutics, Dr. Pombo-Villar was at Novartis and Sandoz for over 23 years, the last 12 years engaged in Business Development and Alliance Management, most recently as Head of Alliance Management at the Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research (NIBR), for alliances in all therapeutic areas up to proof-of-concept in man. Prior to that he led Medicinal Chemistry efforts in the Neuroscience group as Chemistry Expert, and was Laboratory Head and Chemistry Project Leader for multiple projects. He obtained a PhD, MSc and BSc in organic chemistry from the University of Warwick (UK), was visiting researcher at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne (UK) and completed postdoctoral studies at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. Dr. Pombo-Villar is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and member of several scientific societies, and has completed executive business studies at IMD (MTE, Lausanne), Harvard Business School (US), and the Tuck School of Business (Dartmouth, US). Dr. Pombo-Villar has been on the faculty of the European Course for Biobusiness Development (University of Basel and ETH Zurich, 2007-2009), lectured in many conferences and workshops and is a member of the Licensing Executive Society.

Iñigo San Millán
Professor at the University
of Colorado School of Medicine
Head of Training staff, he is also a professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine where he does clinical and research work on cellular metabolism, especially with regards to diabetes, cardiometabolic diseases and cancer.

Jeroen Swart
MBChB, MPhil (SEM), PhD, Head of Medical staff UAE Team Emirates
Professor Swart is a Sports Physician and Exercise Scientist based at the University of Cape Town and at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa where he is the Director of Sports and Exercise Medicine teaching, research and clinical services. He is a founding member and director of the Cape Sports Medicine Group, the largest provider of Clinical Sports Medicine services on the African Continent and which is also an International Sports Medicine Federation center of collaboration and affiliated post graduate teaching center for the University of Cape Town. He is one of 7 members of the International Sports Medicine Federation Global Scientific committee and is the chair of The South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) Scientific commission. He is also the medical director for UAE Team Emirates World Tour Cycling, currently one of the top 3 teams in World Cycling and winner of the 2020 Tour De France.

Andreas Kipar
Landscape architect
Andreas Kipar is a German landscape architect and lecturer in landscape architecture.
Following a gardener's apprenticeship Kipar studied landscape gardening at the University of GHS Essen (now the University of Duisburg-Essen) from 1980 to 1984, and then from 1989 to 1994, architecture at the Milan Polytechnic (TU Milan). With agronomist Giovanni Sala, in 1990 he founded the international architecture and planning office LAND (acronym of "Landscape Architecture Nature Development”) in Milan, which he heads to this day. LAND manages worldwide projects from Italy (Milan) with branches in Germany (Düsseldorf) and Switzerland (Lugano). From 1998 to 2009 Kipar taught landscape architecture at the University of Genoa. Since 2009, he has been teaching Public Space Design at the Milan Polytechnic. Guest lectures have taken him to numerous universities and colleges in Italy, Germany, France and the USA.

Ettore Novellino
Professor of Medicinal Chemistry
Department Pharmacy,
University of Naples Federico II
Ettore Novellino since 1994 is full Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Naples Federico II, Italy. He has been Dean and Director of the Pharmacy department for 12 years, and member of the Italian National Academic Council (CUN) for Chemistry disciplines from the 2007. He published more than 800 paper in the medicinal chemistry field. In 2009, he was awarded with the prestigious Pratesi Medal due to the contribution to the development and application of computational methods in drug discovery by the Italian Chemical Society. In the last few years, he focus his research towards the Nutraceutical Science with the aim to conduct rigorous studies to prove the efficacy and safety of these products. He became the Italian leader in the field and recently he developed new Nutraceuticals to prevent the onset of metabolic disease. He is considered the pioneer of the rigorous scientific approach for Nutraceuticals.

Yousif Mirza
UAE Team Athlete
Yousif Mohamed Ahmed Mirza Al-Hammadi (Arabic: يوسف محمد احمد ميرزا الحمادي) is an Emirati cyclist who has won multiple national titles as well as the silver medal in the road race at the 2015 Asian Cycling Championships, qualifying for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil. He was the first Emirati cyclist to compete in the Olympic Road Race. After his team Al Nasr Pro Cycling Team–Dubai disbanded at the end of the 2016 season, he joined the UAE Team Emirates team in 2017, becoming the first Emirati to ride for a UCI WorldTeam. Mirza is breaking records in Middle Eastern cycling and is playing an important role in inspiring a new generation of cyclists in the United Arab Emirates.

Tariq Mughal
MD FRCP FACP FRCPath, Clinical Professor of Hematological Oncology at the Tufts University Medical School, Boston, MA, USA and at the University of Buckingham Medical School, Buckingham, UK
Tariq trained in medicine at St George’s Hospital in London, followed by postgraduate training at Imperial College London at the Hammersmith Hospital, London, and the University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver. He has specialist credentials in internal medicine, medical oncology, hematology, and stem cell transplantation in the UK and USA. He has held senior clinical leadership roles in centers of excellence for the treatment of cancer, as well as positions of increasing seniority in pharmaceutical medicine, focusing on the interface between academia, clinical practice and industry. His current research activities are in the field of precision medicine in hematological malignancies. He is involved in humanitarian activities to co-ordinate cancer care in Africa since 2011, when he founded Alpine Oncology Foundation, a Swiss-registered cancer charity, in memory of his mother. He has published over 130 peer reviewed papers, 33 cancer text-book chapters and 13 cancer books. He is the recipient of several awards, including those from the UK Royal College of Physicians, UK Royal College of Pathologists, American College of Physicians, Swiss humanitarian groups and runner-up for the Highly Commendable British Medical Association (UK) Book Award.

Kellie Pritchard-Peschek
Chief Community Officer of AI-Company, PhD (Exercise Science)
Kellie is a sports scientist specialising in physiology, with 15 years’ experience in the field. She started her career in elite sport, providing performance support to many of Australia’s most successful Olympic, World and Commonwealth champions through the 2008 and 2012 Olympic Games. Kellie then joined the Swiss Federal Institute of Sport in 2012, establishing a satellite high-performance centre and leading the performance support for 2016 Rio Olympic Games.
She now runs her own business providing health and performance coaching for women in sport and business, and scientific consultancy and leadership services to health-based organizations.
Kellie studied Human Movement Studies (Exercise Science) at The University of Queensland, Australia, and completed her Doctor of Philosophy in Exercise Science at the same university (2006-2011).

Fabio Cavalli
Chief Philanthropy Architect & CEO of A-I Company
Fabio Cavalli is a philanthropist. He develops new ideas, new concepts, new patents, disruptive innovations, and business models that can help individuals the world over to live a better quality of life. Prior to pursuing his interest in philanthropy and art he was an active businessman, designer and inventor. He is best known as the founder of mondoBIOTECH. Through mondoBIOTECH he was widely recognised as a charismatic pioneer of the fight against rare and neglected diseases. In 2009 he made mondoBIOTECH public on the Swiss Stock Exchange with a market capitalisation surpassing 2,4 billion Swiss francs. He then moved on from mondoBIOTECH to create a foundation which focuses on the research on chronic inflammation in rare diseases with the collaboration of his wife Vera.
Fabio made a commitment to the Clinton Global Initiative to revolutionise healthcare by means of the development of a new predictive, personalised, preventive, participatory, and public model that introduces profiling aimed at enhancing well-being.

Vincenzo Summa
Professor of Medicinal Chemistry
Department Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples Federico II
Vincenzo Summa since 2019 is full Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Naples Federico II, Italy. He obtained the Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Wuppertal. In 1996, he joined Merck Research Laboratory in Italy (IRBM). He served as Director in the Medicinal Chemistry Department, leading the team that discovered two drugs currently on the market. Isentress, the first-in-class HIV integrase inhibitor (Galien Prize USA and Italy for the best pharmaceutical agent in 2008), and Grazoprevir, a pangenotype HCV protease inhibitor for the cure of the Hepatitis infection. He was awarded as Hero of Chemistry from American Chemical Society in 2013 and 2017 for the discovery of these two antiviral drugs. In 2009, he became a cofounder of IRBM Science Park, the spinoff of Merck Research Laboratory in Italy, and Vice President of Drug Discovery. His research interests are focus on identification of anti-infectious and anticancer agents and more recently on the Nutraceutical product for the prevention of metabolic diseases. Particular focus is on the development of Nutraceuticals with scientifically proved efficacy in the mitigation and prevention of the risk factors responsible for the dismetabolism.

Patrick Storchenegger
Owner and managing partner of PST Legal AG
Patrick is the owner and managing partner of PST Legal AG, a law firm in Zug, Switzerland specializing in commercial law, fintech law and advising clients on international issues, such as setting up company structures and relocation. For more than 20 years, Patrick has been advising international enterprises and affiliates on all aspects of commercial law with a focus on national and international tax law, corporate and contract law and on financial market legal systems. Among others, he is a member of the foundation council of the Ethereum Foundation.

Gian Carlo Tenore
Professor of Food Chemistry
at the Department Pharmacy,
University of Naples Federico II
Gian Carlo Tenore since 2019 is full Professor of Food Chemistry at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Naples Federico II, Italy. He obtained the Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry at University of Naples Federico II. He is Scientific Responsible for the NutraPharmaLabs laboratories at the Department of Pharmacy. He published more than 120 papers in the food chemistry field. In the last few years, he focused his research on the Nutraceutical Sciences, with the aim to invent innovative nutraceutical formulations and test their therapeutic efficacy and safety through rigorous pre-clinical and clinical studies. He is also co-developer of new Nutraceutical products.

Gianpaolo Turri
Engineer, Scientist, CEO, Customer-Centricity and Total-Innovation™ advocate
An experienced and innovative leader of a global company, he possesses a combination of business acumen, a multi-disciplinary understanding of technologies, products, cultures, analytical and creative thinking. The synthesis of critical discernment and pursuit of continuous personal development allows him to avoid typical biases and mind traps that can affect executive decision-making processes. His international experiences (USA, Italy, UK, Germany, Switzerland & Japan) supported by powerful networks such as YPO, IMD, Argonauts, and EPFL complement his distinctive signature and brand.

Andreas Wallnöfer
Non-Executive Board Member at BioMedPartners AG
Andreas is General Partner at BioMed Partners, a Swiss based VC and board member of several European biotech companies. He is a senior executive leader with more than 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, including 12 years as a member of the F. Hoffmann-La Roche Pharma R&D Executive Leadership team. He was Head of Cardiovascular & Metabolism R&D (CVM) and member of the Roche / Genentech Portfolio Committee. Andreas was part of several successful product developments and market introductions. Before the integration of Genentech, Andreas was global Head of Clinical Research & Exploratory Development. He had a key role in the integration of the Roche and Genentech Development organizations and led subsequently Roche’s Early Development Department. Andreas holds a PhD in Pharmacology from the University of Basel, degrees In Pharmaceutical Medicine and was trained as a fellow at the Centre of Human Drug Research at the University Hospital of Leiden, Netherlands. He also holds an Executive MBA from IMD Lausanne.