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Elizabeth J. Linder


Fabio Cavalli

Chief Philanthropy Architect of Lifestyle Week

Keeping the community anti-inflammaged has now become a social responsibility. Fabio explains how he created the most compelling anti-inflammaging company of the century, by acting as the linchpin in driving the world’s necessary transition to societal health promotion, with the ultimate goal of making the world’s population happier and healthier.

 Low-grade chronic inflammation (LGCI)

Iñigo San Millan

Head of Training staff at UAE Team Emirates

Inflammation related to sport.

Jeroen Swart

MBChB, MPhil (SEM), PhD, Head of Medical staff UAE Team Emirates

Inflammation related to sport.

Paolo Colombani

CSO & co-founder of A—I Company, Dr. sc. nat. ETH Zurich

Origin and introduction to low-grade chronic inflammation.


Mauro Gianetti

UAE Team Emirates Principal and CEO

Keeping our staff healthy as our ultimate goal – an improved lifestyle not just for athletes, but for all of our staff.

Jeroen Swart

Head medical staff UAE Team Emirates

Improving lifestyle and benefits for underlying conditions: diabetes, hypertension and obesity.

Iñigo San Millan

Head of Training staff at UAE Team Emirates

Monitoring LGCI in professional sports and recommendations to recreational athletes.

Yousif Mirza

UAE Team Emirates athlete

Importance of a healthy lifestyle to succeed as an athlete.

Kellie Pritchard-Peschek

Chief Community Officer of AI-Company, PhD (Exercise Science)

How low grade chronic inflammation impacts genders differently.

 Nutrition /  Medicine / Science

Heinz Beck

Three-Michelin-starred chef, Scientific Director Campus University Principe of Naples

How to eat and mix the right ingredients to stay healthy and improve your lifestyle in order to prevent LCGI.

Giovanni De Gaetano

Head of Department of Epidemiology and Prevention

The impact of Mediterranean diet and the Moli-sani study related to LCGI.

Maria B. Donati

Medical doctor, Philosophy Doctor

The impact of Mediterranean diet and the Moli-sani study related to LCGI.

Vincenzo Summa

Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Department Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples Federico II

LCGI in relation to dysmetabolism and netutraceuticals evolution.

Medicine and Diseases

Esteban Pombo-Villar


Drug research for LGCI and relation between LGCI and cancer.

Linda Friedland

International health professional, medical doctor and corporate advisor

Inflammaging: role of LCGI on aging.

Andreas Wallnöfer

General Partner at BioMedPartners, Switzerland, and board member of several European biotech companies

Covid 19 and low-grade chronic inflammation (LGCI).

Tariq Mughal

MD FRCP FACP FRCPath, Clinical Professor of Hematological Oncology at the Tufts University Medical School, Boston, MA, USA and at the University of Buckingham Medical School, Buckingham, UK

LGCI and cancer: How LGCI can lead to some of the most aggressive forms of blood cancer. 

Pietro Formisano

MD, PhD, Full Professor of Clinical Pathology, Department of Translational Medicine, ederico II University of Naples

Low-grade chronic inflammation (LGCI) and obesity.


Patrick Casparis

Founder & Director of Presidio Advisors Limited

Importance of individuals’ lifestyle within global healthcare sector.

Legal / Privacy

Patrick Storchenegger

Owner and managing partner of PST Legal AG

Blockchain technology applied to LGCI.

Raphael Baumann

Rechtsanwalt und Notar, Attorney at Law and Notary Public

Privacy and legal aspects.

Hans-Lothar Arth

European and German Patent Attorney and European Trademark and Design Attorney​

Intellectual property freedom within relations between CLGI and IP on lifestyle.


Gianpaolo Turri

Engineer, Scientist, CEO, Customer-Centricity and Total-Innovation™ advocate

Innovation in wellness and health-tech: the coolest techs, the near future innovation and the power of the mind.

Katia Walsh

Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy and Artificial Intelligence Officer at Levi Strauss & Co

Driving people’s behaviour to change their lifestyle and fight LGCI, improve quality of life and avoid premature ageing.

Simone Belia

CTO of A—I Company

Driving people’s behaviour to change their lifestyle and fight LGCI, improve quality of life and avoid premature ageing.

Francesco Cavalli

Co-Founder & Chief Visionary Officer at A—I Company

A—I Company: the first company to fight low-grade chronic inflammation. An anti-inflammaging ecosystem powered by a digital platform which gives you the tools to strengthen the immune system, prevent diseases and premature ageing, as well as help to contrast Covid-19.


Andreas Kipar

Landscape architect

From Adaptive Design to Digital Landscape, digital culture to promote environmental awareness and encourage reconnection with nature.


© 2023 Lifestyle Week is a philanthropic arm of Data Arena DMCC

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