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Lifestyle Day

Lifestyle Day is a conference devoted to spreading ideas on how to prevent diseases and premature ageing. Keeping communities anti-inflammaged has become a social responsibility. Low grade inflammation is characterised by raised concentrations of inflammatory markers in the absence of any overt symptoms and is recognised as a risk factor for a number of chronic diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

Future events

  1. Covid, inflammation and lifestyle habits
    What we know about this latest global challenge


  2. How to nourish the heart
    How nutritional and lifestyle changes can impact this key organ


  3. Cancer and inflammation
    Understanding the role of LGCI in the onset of cancer


  4. The new business models
    Why Uber and changed the game


  5. Investing in health care
    New ideas and strategies for an essential resource  


  6. The Mediterranean diet 
    The crucial role of nutrition in overall wellbeing


  7. The crucial role of nutrition in overall wellbeing 
    How wine and olive oil have an important role to play


  8. How heat can counter inflammation
    The additional benefits of saunas and Turkish baths


  9. “The history of low-grade chronic inflammation” by Dr. Paolo Colombani 
    Fascinating insights on LGCI’s role in society to date


  10. Health and Lifestyle
    The vital importance of meditation and movement

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